Professional training course for sales managers courses

Upon graduation, you can work with us in the company of your choice, sell our courses and earn $$$$ or choose your own path.
You can apply the skills of the course
  • Join our company for this position
    Upon graduation, you can become part of our team and help us sell training programs at our two schools. Work completely remotely with clients from around the world. English is not needed. The activity is interesting and profitable.
  • Get a job at any school of study
    After the course, a wide road opens up for you in many companies because you have the skills to sell, and companies are looking for such specialists to sell their products, so you will be in demand in the labor market and find a job easier.
  • Apply what you've learned to your courses
    If you are already the author of your own course, or if you work for a start-up that has courses, then you can easily apply new methods and improve sales in your course or company.
international format
If you wish, you can get a job in our IT-Company ITCAPITAL as a Sales Manager at a training school with interesting conditions, high salary, work with international clients who want to buy courses and a cool team.

Course program

The duration of the course is an average of 1 week
Module 1
Module 1
Introductory information and preparation for the course
In this module, you will receive background information that you will need to better understand the course of study.
Module 2
Module 2
Information about training courses
In this module, you will receive detailed information on the example of the courses of our school IZIHouse / ITCAPITAL, then on the example of which you will be able to understand the format of the profession and understand in more detail the components of the training courses as a whole.
Module 4
Module 4
Instruction and training in practical work
In this module, you will learn how to work with courses, figure out how to sell them, promote them, how to work with clients, how to write texts, how to make phone calls and what to say, which sites to look for clients and how to do it, and get information about the IZIHouse courses themselves / ITCAPITAL. Prepare your workplace (connect to all the necessary resources), practice live work with clients. Next, plan your time and start selling courses.
Module 5
Module 5
Conclusion and completion of training
At this stage, let's sum up the training, right there you can decide on the further development of yourself in our company or another, create your step-by-step action plan and go already to the world of selling training courses, to big goals, high incomes and happy customers!

Video reviews

Feedback from Dasha
Feedback from Artem
Feedback from Anastasia
Video clip


Podobied Oleh
Founder & CEO
Company ITCAPITAL, IZIHouse, ROBOASIS, author of this course and school of study ITCAPITAL SCHOOL
The course was developed mainly by Podobied Oleh and with the participation of a team of other ITCAPITAL specialists, each of whom did their job with love and the hope that this training program will change someone's life for the better.

Social networks of the author
Course price
Two packages of your choice
Package "TO THE TEAM"

In this package, at the end of the training, you can get a job in the team of our company and practice your skills with us.
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ITCAPITAL public reports and plans

Company results for 2021 and Plans for 2022 from the CEO | ITCAPITAL
Company results for 2022 and Plans for 2023 from the CEO | ITCAPITAL
The results of the company for 2023 and plans for 2024 from CEO | ITCAPITAL
The results of the company for 2024 and plans for 2025 from CEO | ITCAPITAL
Online training school in the field of IT
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214 W 29th St, USA, New York, NY 10001
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