Online course
IT Sales Manager International
IT Sales

In 1-2 weeks, you can master the demanded profession on international IT sales and immediately in the learning process apply the knowledge gained.
Free short webinar
To decide if IT Sales Manager training is right for you, check out the free webinar content now!

Learning is useful to whom?

Newcomers in IT sphere
The course will help to master the demanded profession of Sales-Manager, learn how to search and work with customers for IT services. You can use these skills for yourself or get a job in an IT company.
Business owners
The course will help expand the understanding of the development of your sales managers, find out how to look for customers in the international market with a high average check and increase the company's profit.
If you work as a freelancer, develop sites or other IT services, the course will help you increase your own level of sales and learn to look for foreign customers.

What do you learn on the course?

  • 1
    The basics of the profession It Sales Manager and work
  • 2
    Get knowledge by IT sphere for access.
  • 3
    Get knowledge where and how
    Search for customers
  • 4
    Learn to plan and manage current tasks
  • 5
    Study the basics of sales for the international market
  • 6
    Learn to create commercial offers
  • 7
    Explore Scrum and Agile control systems
  • 8
    You will find your first orders on which you will receive $
Video-information about the course "It Sales Manager" from the CEO of the company

Training course program

(The duration of the course is on average 7-13 days)
Module 1
(1 day)
Module 1
(1 day)
Familiarization with the profession "IT Sales Manager"
In this module, introductory preparatory information about the profession of IT Sales Manager, information on responsibilities and tasks, introduction on the prospects of this profession, career growth, income, interest, various buns and general introduction, plan of training, answers to frequent questions, information about technology, technology, technology Useful recommendations from the manager's book. The module is preferable to further training.
Module 2
(1/2 day)
Module 2
(1/2 day)
Studying the base of practical knowledge of the IT sphere
At this stage, you will receive the training information that you will use in your work. Study information about the IT services that the company provide, here is very detailed, study the technology of the sales manager, get acquainted with the technical structure of projects, understand many technical nuances, study how the technical specifications are done without which the development of IT products is not possible and what this is Such, study the development technologies of how to work with accounts and where to look for customers, how to make letters and much more.

1 Step - Learning to work and draw up an account on the websites of IT turbans.
2 Step - we teach the principle of registration of working accounts in social networks and messengers.
3 step - we learn to work with mail and compilation of letters.
4 Step - Working statistics on sites where customers search so that you understand what sources work and with what efficiency.
5 Step - Studying Gayad on Stask technologies (what programming languages exist).
6 Step - Hyde on frameworks, using and on the basis of which IT products are created.
7 Step - studying information on project management (development of IT products) using Scrum technology.
8 Step - studying information on project management (development of IT products) using Agile technology.
9 Step - studying a guide in the specialties and specialists who participate in the development of IT projects.
10 Step - the study of the guide on the specifics and terms of IT vocabulary (adaptation of vocabulary in IT language).
13 Step - studying types of services in development.
14 Step - Principles of the work of the sales department and each manager.
15 Step - information about the creation of technical specifications (technical specifications) and what it is.
16 Step - at the end you will make a practical task to complicate the information and move on to the next module.
Module 3
(2 day)
Module 3
(2 day)
Studying the technique of work IT Sales Manager
In this module you will receive training information regarding the technique of working with customers that you will use in work.

1 step - recommendations for working with clients so that customers were satisfied and you were with the availability of money.
2 Step - platforms and sources of the GIY of Customers and the principle of working with these sites.
3 Step - studying the principles of planning your work and reporting technology as well as conducting introspection based on reporting, information that is an integral part of successful work and information how to earn "$300,000" clean on hand - eat planning your income.
4 Step - studying the principle of compiling a cold letter (in other words of a commercial sentence for a client to interest him for cooperation).
5 Step - working conditions with the customer (legal issues / financial issues / security and guarantees of customers and company).
6 Step - how technically it starts to work with the client and how to transfer it to the developer department.
7 Step - how to work with mail and search for companies in Google and other sources, to draw up a commercial offer and turn them into customers.
8 Step - an understanding that IT technologies give after their implementation in the company.
9 Step - LinkedIn work technique and customer search algorithms through this network.
10 Step - design and structuring of customers' information in client cards.
11 Step - the stages of working with a client's client (at what stage the project is calculated when the contract and the rest are signed).
12 Step - at the end you will make the task to assimilate information and move on to the next module.
Module 4
(3-7 days)
Module 4
(3-7 days)
Performing practical tasks and working with clients
In this module, you will learn from practical tasks to work Sales Manager in the case. Here you will prepare your workplace. Prepare commercial offers. Prepare all the accounts on which you will work on the search for customers. Connect the CRM system. Connect your foreign number and IP telephony. Make the first contact with customers. Make the first calls. Learn to plan work.

Stage 1 - Preparation of the workplace:
1 step - at this stage according to the instructions you will prepare working accounts, create work pages, tools and a commercial offer - in a word, prepare for working with clients.
2 Step - configure the process and tools that you will further use in working with customers.
3 step - register and professionally arrange pages on the right areas.
4 Step - select the direction of product development, as well as the country and the market for which you will conduct activities and work with customers.
5 Step - Learn to work with the CRM according to the instructions.
6 Step - set up the CRM office for yourself, which will simplify your work taking into account customers and planning.
7 Step - install useful plugins that will help in working with the client, create a beautiful commercial offer and see, for example, when the client opened the letter.
8 Step - create a letter frame for customers.
Stage 2 - First Clients
2.1 Step - simulate the sale of the product to the client.
2.2 Step - set your office in the CRM.
2.3 Step - develop and fix your individual work plan for working with customers and access to financial indicators.
2.4 Step - training to collect information from the client.
2.5 Step - the stage of performing the first written dialogs with customers.
2.6 Step - fixing the results of work with customers.
2.7 Step - preserving yourself the necessary working material.
2.8 Step - the formation of the first report of the work per day.
Stage 3 - First calls to customers
3.1 Step - studying the technology conducting a phone call with a client on a script in several languages.
3.2 Step - training a phone call with a client on improvisation with a curator or his friend.
3.3 Step - connecting your own foreign number (for example, USA, Germany, Canada or other country) and setting up IP -telephony for calls abroad.
3.4 Step - conducting the first calls to customers and conducting negotiations on the development of IT products.
3.5 Step - completion of the module and reconciliation of control stages from the module.
Module 5
(8 day)
Module 5
(8 day)
Completion of training and homework
This will be the final module in which you set up your international details, connect foreign payment systems and banks to accept payments from your customers and also get your homework and start work, yourself or in the company for your choice.

1 Step - register an international payment system and receive your foreign details to receive income from the border to these accounts.
2 Step - register the second international American payment system.
3 step - register an account with a European bank.
4 Step - at this stage you will receive recommendations for work for the first months of work. Get your homework.
5 Step - at will to record your review about training.
6 Step - what tasks should be done daily in work to go to success.
7 Step - reconciliation of control stages from the entire training program.
8 Step - complete a complete conclusion throughout the program of training to master knowledge.
9 Step - get a diploma to pass this training course.
10 Step - proceed to work at 200% power and go out in the first months of work on income.
+ At the end of training, it is issued
international format
Free short webinar
To decide if IT Sales Manager training is right for you, check out the free webinar content now!

What stages to go through training?

Acquaintance and registration.
You get acquainted with information about the course and register through our official chatbot to which you will transfer you after filling out the application.
Start training.
We open access to the course program and you start training.
For each task, you can receive feedback if necessary or the occurrence of questions on your part.
Completion and employment.
Completion of the course, get a certificate, if desired, take an interview for employment in our company.
If desired, you can get a job in our IT Sales Manager with interesting conditions, high salary, work with international clients and a cool team.
(Working conditions watch the video below)
Working conditions in Itcapital Development Company
How much does a IT Sales Manager earn?
The average salary in USA
What do they say about the course after training?

Video reviews

Review from Nastya (Language RU)
Review from Artem (Language RU)
Review from Anastasia (Language UA)
Review from Daria (Language RU)
Review from Alexandra (Language UA)
Information about training
(190 EUR | 190 USD | 260 CAD)
(200 EUR | 200 USD | 270 CAD)
(420 EUR | 420 USD | 570 CAD)

Information about the package "Business"

Free short webinar
To decide if IT Sales Manager training is right for you, check out the free webinar content now!
Course goal for 2024
Target in 2024
train 500 participants in the IT Sales Manager course
Progress 251/500
Average income statistics for course participants: income $1000+ per month
Work experience 4 months+
Participants who reached an income level of $3500+ per month
Work experience 6 months+
Course participant metrics for 2021/23
Our goal for 2021/24
gather 2000 participants in the IT Sales course
Progress 1406/2000
Average income statistics for participants after the course: income of $1000+ per month
Work experience 5 months+
Participants who reached an income level of $3500+ per month
Work experience 12 months+


Podobied Oleh
Founder & CEO
Company ITCAPITAL, IZIHouse, ROBOASIS, author of this course and school of study ITCAPITAL SCHOOL
The course was developed mainly by Podobied Oleh and with the participation of a team of other ITCAPITAL specialists, each of whom did their job with love and the hope that this training program will change someone's life for the better.

Social networks of the author

Public reports and plans of itcapital

The results of the company for 2021 and plans for 2022 from CEO | ITCAPITAL
The results of the company for 2022 and plans for 2023 from CEO | ITCAPITAL
The results of the company for 2023 and plans for 2024 from CEO | ITCAPITAL
The results of the company for 2024 and plans for 2025 from CEO | ITCAPITAL
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All roads
... like any person, but not anyone is able to recognize them and make a choice and action for a meeting (rich people are distinguished by this skill, which is why they are)
Online training school in the field of IT
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214 W 29th St, USA, New York, NY 10001
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